A Lawyer’s First Oral Argument


When practicing law as an attorney, Judge Kenton Skarin's first oral argument was before the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.


You always remember your first oral argument. One vivid image sticks out from mine: Someone’s left hand is shaking uncontrollably.

I suddenly realize it’s my hand.

I’m trying to gesture at the podium. I’ve never seen my hand do that before. The raw adrenaline is pumping so hard that my voice is wobbling too.

I slap my hand back on the podium and white knuckle through the remaining questions.

My client won that appeal.

But what I remember are the shakes.

Now some of it was warranted. The panel was Posner, Easterbrook, and Bauer.

But most of it was pure nerves. I’d watched plenty of oral arguments, including many dozens while working for an appellate judge. Our briefs were good. Our argument was correct. I was prepared.

And there I was physically unable to hold up my hand!

Practicing law is hard. Everyone must make their first argument. It’s terrifying. There’s no harm in admitting it.

P.S. Tell us about your first argument or case in the comments below. Where was it? How did you beat the nerves?



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